We build our handcrafted spirits from the ground up right here in central Texas because we know you cannot fake genuine quality. It takes better ingredients and small batches. It requires commitment to doing things the right way rather than the popular way. It means having not only the passion but the patience to personally own every single step of the spirit-making process.
Fire Oak Distillery is a family effort and a true labor of love. Our family embodies a deep love and respect for not only Texas and our community, but that of fine beverages and our customers.
We started with the intention to start a business in our own community that presented an agriculturally based, non-perishable consumer product. Our business would support our local community, and be sold across the state as well as enjoyed by our extensive and ever-flowing tourism base. Why a high-end spirits? Simply, we like to indulge in the finer things in life, and the ingredients were at our fingertips.
We start with natural whole grains to produce a smooth, crisp, and clean product.
We set out to create the best spirits in the world...a lasting brand that would present a clean and pure product into the marketplace. We did research, made friends. Tested it. People loved it. They wanted more.